5 Signs It's Time to Find a New Job

11 January 2022

Most of us can confess to knowing how it feels like to hate our job. Your Sunday nights are filled with dread at the thought of what’s to come on Monday morning, and you can’t even enjoy your free tim...

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New Year, New You!

5 January 2022

2022 has reared its head and we're all muddling through the dreaded first week back at the office (or home office!). Between trying to fit in several gym sessions and deciding whether that leftover Ch...

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Why You Shouldn't Accept a Counteroffer

23 November 2021

Bear with me, I know exactly how it sounds. Of course I’m going to tell you not to accept a counteroffer from your employer! But just hear me out because I’m going to tell you why. Going through the p...

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27 Sales Prospecting Stats You Need to Know

9 November 2021

In B2B sales, your job depends on your ability to initiate conversations with buyers. The problem in 2021 is that buyers are busier than ever and it’s getting harder each day. The RAIN Group Center fo...

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Dreading Returning to Work After a Holiday?

2 November 2021

Thanks to the pandemic, most of us have forgotten what the word holiday even means, but with restrictions relaxing you might have been lucky enough to get away for the half-term week. Perhaps you jett...

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The Cost of a Bad Hire

25 October 2021

UK businesses are failing to hire the right candidate for two out of five roles, despite the financial costs of getting it wrong, a new report from the Recruitment & Employment Confederation (REC) has...

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Starter Salaries on the Rise

18 October 2021

It was reported by the BBC earlier this month that starting salaries and temporary staff wages have risen at the sharpest rate for 24 years, according to a survey undertaken by KPMG and the Recruitmen...

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How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

4 October 2021

In last week’s blog, we covered a term that might be new to you, Imposter Syndrome. The official meaning of the phrase is ‘the persistent inability to believe that one’s success is deserved or has bee...

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What is Imposter Syndrome?

27 September 2021

Let’s set the scene. You’ve just started a new job, it’s your first day in the office and a colleague is introducing you to the rest of the team. “Everyone, meet Jessica, she’s our new Marketing guru ...

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What Candidates Want Post-Pandemic

20 September 2021

Since the pandemic, recruiters all across the country have been struggling to fill their vacancies. This is great news for candidates of course, as many feared there would be a lack of jobs as a resul...

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