What Candidates Want Post-Pandemic

20 September 2021

Since the pandemic, recruiters all across the country have been struggling to fill their vacancies. This is great news for candidates of course, as many feared there would be a lack of jobs as a result of the lockdowns and the opposite has been proven to be true. This doesn’t help the recruiters though, and so at Swindale Parks we’ve started to find the root of the problem.

Our first thought was that with the rise of home working, many candidates have found the benefits of working from home far outweighs the benefits of working in the office, and so using LinkedIn, we created a poll aimed at candidates to gather their thoughts. Our question to them was:

If you’re currently looking for a new career opportunity, which of these is the most important to you right now?

A – Better salary and/or benefits
B – Flexible/home working
C – Progression opportunities
D – Other

We left the poll open for 2 weeks to allow as many candidates to answer as possible. The results were interesting and surprised us! 44% wanted a better salary and/or benefits, which we feel has always been the number one choice, even before the pandemic. Flexible and home working is still something our candidates see a value in, as 28% of them chose that option, and progression opportunities followed closely with 25%. To the 1 person who chose other but didn’t leave a comment, we’re offering a free coffee if you’re willing to spill the beans!

We’ll be feeding this information back to our clients but any other recruiters reading this might also be interested in the results. On our LinkedIn page we’ve started a new poll aimed at recruiters to try and find out why they think they’re struggling to fill their vacancies, so check back in 2 weeks to find the results of that poll and if you’re a recruiter yourself, check it out and let us know your thoughts.